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Catching the Blessings of God


A powerful revelation from the Word of God for His sons and daughters called in the marketplace. God's children who are called in the marketplace have a special purpose and mission from the Lord. They are positioned in the marketplace to prosper and become God's light and salt. They will be used by God as His channel of blessings to proclaim the gospel of His Kingdom to nations.

So for us who are called in the marketplace, let us remain in the presence of God and connect with Him daily so we can receive His instructions. When the Lord gives us an opportunity, we have to take advantage of what God is giving us. God knows that we need it and He knows we need His blessings according to His timing. Let us always keep in mind that if we miss an opportunity from God, His blessings for us will be delayed. God checks our response, submission and management before He give us greater blessings. This is His kingdom principles.

I would like to share a story in Luke Chapter 5. When Simon Peter an experienced fisherman was invited by the Lord to go on fishing in deep waters. At first, Peter was hesitant because He had worked all day and have not caught anything. Peter used his own knowledge and experience to gain prosperity but he failed. But there was one thing that Peter had. Peter had enough faith to obey the Lord. As He obeyed the Lord, they were all amazed and surprised with a large catch of fish. They caught so many that their boats began to sink. This story activates and strengthen our faith in our God. Our God knows where we should throw our nets in the business for a great catch of blessings. Let us hear and pay attention to God given opportunities around us and let us not delay any instructions from the Lord. Have enough faith just like Peter had and you will bring your business to a whole new level of success.

Obey God and write down every opportunity and instructions from the Lord so you will not miss anything.

Obey God's instructions and you will be the head and not the tail Deuteronomy 28:13. Remember never delay God's opportunities and instructions for you! This is now the time to shine and reveal the goodness of God through your business in the marketplace!

Ephesians 3:10 "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."

Have a blessed day!

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