How Can You Make Satan Leave You Alone?
How Can You Make Satan Leave You Alone?
Satan is not worth your attention! Your time is so precious to even think about him. The word of God says in John 10:10 that his main purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. How many times has he stolen your focus, your time, your energy, your opportunities, your peace, your joy, your strength and your health? He will try his best to get your attention. He will hinder you from fulfilling your purpose in God. He will try to block the blessings from God by tempting you and enticing you with his lies. He may be able to do all these things, but the truth of the matter is, Satan is a defeated foe! Our Lord Jesus Christ crushed his head when our Lord died on the cross and rose again! The victory of our Lord Jesus Christ is also the victory of those who are in Him.
While we are in this world, the enemy may try to attack us again and again but remember he is not worth your attention! All negative situations in your life are also opportunities to experience the goodness of God! You will lack nothing in God! He will equip you, He will guide you and empower you to win in every battle against the enemy. I too had experienced the attacks of the enemy and by God’s grace, I was able to receive an action plan from the Lord. I had written these revelations below, feel free to read and I pray that you will also receive revelations from God as you read.
Focus on God
Hebrews 12:2
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Instead of focusing on the negativity of your challenges and problems, focus on the solution! Focus on the goodness of God! Through our Lord Jesus Christ, we receive everything that we need to overcome challenges and trials in this world. The word of God says that we must take courage because our Lord has overcome this world! Let us meditate on God’s promises more and more. Please know that every challenge and problem what we face is also an opportunity to experience the goodness of God in our lives. As God delivered Moses and the Israelites from the oppression of Egypt, you too can experience the saving power of God! The word of God constantly reminds us to focus more on our God and His kingdom and everything we need will be added unto us.
2. Resist Temptation and Sin
James 4:7
“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
We all know that temptation and sin is Satan’s open door to destroy our lives. So we must not make any room for the enemy to attack us. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us an illustration of how we can resist the temptation of the enemy when He was tempted in the wilderness. He was victorious! The devil left him alone! Let us learn from the example of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is now the time to close all open doors of the enemy in our lives. Wear the armor of God! Do not allow the enemy to control you and block all your blessings. Believe in God’s power to deliver you! Allow the Lord to heal the pains of your past and move forward with a strong determination to achieve your purpose from God.
3. Be in the Correct Realm
Galatians 5:16
“So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves.”
The word of God says that we are to walk in the Spirit. I have seen many of my Christian brothers and sisters struggle in receiving blessings from the Lord because they operate in the wrong realm instead of operating in the Spirit. Let us operate in the Kingdom of God! Let us operate in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The enemy will try and attack us to bring shame and steal our joy, but we have to operate in the joy that comes from our Lord. If the enemy comes to us in worry and stress, operate in the peace of God for you to receive God’s blessings. Activate your faith in God! If the enemy comes to you in confusion, operate in the wisdom of God for order. If the enemy comes to attack you using fear, operate in courage and boldness that comes from the empowerment of God. Let us operate in righteousness instead of wickedness. Let us always remember to operate in the Kingdom of God because we can never receive whatever we need from our God if we operate outside of His kingdom.
4. Hide in God’s Presence
Psalm 91:1
“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
There is a secret place where the enemy cannot find. It is in the presence of God. The word of God says that where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom! We can literally hide ourselves in the presence of God so we can be free from the attacks and the oppression of the enemy. We have to find that place and live in that realm. One of the most powerful realms is the realm of “Love”. Satan could never understand what love is. But we as children of God created in His image had been given a privilege to understand “Love”. The word of God places the command to love above all His other commandments. Read Luke 10:27 and 1 Corinthians 13. Our God does this to show us the importance of loving Him and loving others. If we operate in love, we operate in the realm that Satan does not know and could never understand. The devil may have power, he may mimic miracles, blessings, signs and wonders but he can never love. Let us remain in the love of God and practice love so there will be no open doors for the enemy to attack us. Let us dwell in the realms of joy and peace and focus on our mission in God’s Kingdom!
Job 28:7
“No bird of prey knows that hidden path, no falcon's eye has seen it.”
Thank you for reading this post! Now you had received wisdom to effectively receive your blessings from the Lord and overcome every challenge in this life with Joy! Allow the Lord to guide you and teach you more. There are so many wonderful things that we are yet to discover in God! Let us be excited and always expect more good things from our Lord. We need it daily! God bless you and the works of your hands.
Feel free to message us, at Facebook Page: Prophetic Marketplace Intercessors. We’d be happy to talk to you!
With Love,
Pastor Levi Paloma