Send us your prayer request
We are happy to pray and intercede for your business. This is truly a season of favor, growth and promotion from God! Let us receive the promises of God in His Word and become His light and salt in the marketplace! We are His Kingdom representatives!
Feel free to send us your prayer items and we will start praying for you and your business! We will surely pray and receive visions and revelations for you and send our prayer report via email.
Please include the following information on your Prayer Request:
Your Name
The Name of your Business
Your Business Prayer Items
Your Email Address / Business Email Address
Note: The more specific your prayer items are, the easier for us to receive exact visions, revelations and instructions for you and your business.
We will include the items below for your prayer report document:
Prayer items or prayer points that we had prayed for.
Visions and revelations about your business.
Received instructions and revelations about your prayer items.
One on One Discussion about the Prayer Report through Skype
For questions, Feel free to reach us at our email address: P.MarketplaceIntercessors@gmail.com
If you are led to hire an intercessor for your business, click here to learn more:
Thank you and we pray and declare more success and breakthrough for you and your business!
James 1:5
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”